Thursday, December 07, 2006

~ Chapter 9 ~

In this chapter, Jonas reads what was in the folder that the Chief Elder had handed him. His folder was unusually thin compared to what his friends had. Inside was a sheet that had the rules for the assignment.

In Gathering Blue, Kira was given a job that no one else in the community can do, and along with Jonas from The Giver, she also had rules she had to fallow, but they were not as straightforward as his.

There were two things that really stood out in Jonas' mind. One was that one of the rules was that you were allowed to lie. Now in the community, it is against the rules to lie to one another. Was this a mistake? It would extremely awkward to lie to one of his friends and his family. The other rule was that you could be rude to a person. Now seriously, how weird would it be if you said something rude to one of your friends and they were expecting an apology, but you did not need to give them one?

What would you do if you were in Jonas' position?

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