In the next chapter Jonas has a private conversation with his parents. Just to clue you in and if you did not know already know, Jonas' father is a "nurturer" or a present day nurse who helps and takes care of newborns. Jonas' mother is what would be a present day lawyer. Anyway, Jonas' father was talking about what he did at the nurturing center. He is presently taking care of a newchild who is having a lot of trouble learning. Thinking it would help the child learn, Jonas' father breaks a rule. In the society that they live in, breaking rules is very serious.
Just like in The Giver, Kira's mother breaks a rule, too, in Gathering Blue. When Kira was born, she had a twisted leg. In the village, any person born with a birth defect was automatically sent to the Field to die. Kira's mother fought for her daughter's life. Kira, even without her mother's help, would have lived because her grandfather was an important person.
Now, back to The Giver. Jonas' father broke a rule by looking at a list for the next naming ceremony. That list was not to be reveled until the naming ceremony in December where each newchild receives there name. The child that Jonas' father is caring for name is Gabriel, but he is called Gabe for short.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
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